Ceramic Armour – Vehicles

since the density of ceramic armour is substantially lower than the density of steel, by substituting steel with ceramic armour, areal weight can be reduced by approximately half.
Our ceramic amour materials (STANAG, NIJ & VPAM accredited) and components are ideally suited for a variety of vehicle armour solutions. All components are STANAG accredited and can be supplied as tiles or as complete armoured panels. With best in class weight to survivability ratio and multi-hit capability, tailor made per customer design, our ceramic vehicle armour can be seamlessly integrated into a wide variety of vehicle families.
Our solutions are based on reaction bonding technology using silicon carbide (SiC) and boron (B4C) carbide. Reaction bonded silicon carbide undergoes minimal dimensional change during sintering. Products exhibit virtually constant strength as temperatures rise to the melting point of silicon. This “net shape” process, allowing for excellent dimensional control, reduces the amount of post firing costly machining and finishing.
Please contact us for more information.