Blast-Protected Seating Solutions

In modern warfare the choice of armoured vehicle seating is of critical importance. Aztec offers wall, floor and ceiling mounted blast-protected seating solutions for driver, commander, gunner and troops. These solutions, based on a patented single-element system mean the difference between life and death when the armoured vehicle in which they are fitted is struck by a landmine or IED. Today over 50,000 seats have been deployed on more than 45 platforms in 25 countries.
Shockwaves emanating from landmines and IED’s are devastating and although not causing significant damage to a heavily armoured vehicle, they cause insurmountable harm to soldiers inside such a vehicle. A deadly shockwave generated from the blast travels through the rigid capsule of the armoured vehicle and causes injuries and deaths to the occupants. Tens of thousands of combat veterans, who were not fortunate enough to be seated on certified blast-protected seats, carry higher risks of developing neurological disorders and possible future organ problems as a result of being exposed to landmine and IED shockwaves.
Our wide range of blast-protected (energy-absorbing) seating solutions isolate vehicle occupants from the vehicle’s capsule. In the event of an underbelly explosion the seating solution will absorb and attenuate the force of the shockwave by up to 24 times thus drastically reducing the g forces imposed on the bodies of the occupants to a tolerable level.
Please contact us for more information.